Saturday, March 13, 2021


Cuomo is on the left, if you're having any trouble.
(New York, AL) "He's disgusting. The way that he treats women makes me ashamed to be in the same country with him. All those COVID deaths that he could have done something about - can't we bring him up on some sort of criminal charges for that? I just can't believe people voted for this guy and continue to stand by him. It's like they don't even care what he's done. I don't care how many times they have to impeach him to get something to stick. We've got to hold our leaders accountable. Can you imagine if Trump behaved that way?" said Richard Hotchkiss, the manager of a pool supply store.
The fifty-one year-old was speaking about Governor Andrew Cuomo, who has, in recent days, come under fire for sexual harassment allegations and a scandal surrounding coronavirus deaths in New York nursing homes. Despite Democratic leadership calling on the New York politician to resign, he has refused, saying that he will not "bow to Cancel Culture."
"I've learned the lessons of Donald Trump," Cuomo said in a press conference outside of the governor's mansion yesterday. "If you just keep doing the same stuff, accuse other people of doing what you're doing, and live by the simple axiom: if it's good, I did it; if not, my detractors did it. If they can't cancel Donald Trump, I can't see why they'd be able to cancel me. I'm from New York. I'm a white guy."
When asked about top Democrats demanding Cuomo's resignation, Hotchkiss had this to say:
"It's just that they're so into their Cancel Culture that they can't see the good things that he's done. As soon as one of them says anything bad - no matter if it's true or not - the entire left just has to get rid of the person. They're like a cult. It's demonic is what it is. I can't believe that they treated Trump like- oh, wait, Cuomo? Yeah, he needs to go. Now. Yesterday. As soon as possible."
Donald Trump couldn't be reached for a response, as he was too busy governing the country after his 2020 re-election.

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